Nutrition Forum – 7 June * date change *

The first of Victoria Park Chiropractic Clinic’s health forums, the Women’s Health Forum held in October last year, was a huge success. Dr’s Paije Cox and Tania Kent hosted a well-attended event discussing general health issues concerning women and women’s health, with most of those present learning a thing or two about what goes onto and into their bodies!

Feedback from the event was extremely positive, and we’re happy to announce the next in the forum series: the Nutrition Forum, covering issues such as:

  • what really is the best “diet”?
  • what are the so-called super-foods?
  • how does nutrition impact our health?

The Nutrition Forum will be held at Victoria Park Chiropractic Clinic on the evening of Tuesday 7 June* from 7:30pm-8:30pm.

If you are interested in attending, please phone the clinic on 8332 4567 or email [email protected] and leave your details with our wonderful CAs.

* note – this date replaces the original scheduled date of 10 May.